Monday, April 25, 2011

First Post!

This is an experiment. I am not certain that this is the medium that will work for me, but we'll give it a try....

I expect that I will be posting occasionally on High Modernist writers (i.e., James Joyce, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, et al.), ESL, poetry, writing, books I've read or am reading, issues in science that I find of interest, education, and whatever else might arise along the way.

So, that being said, here is the first post; a first post is a first step--perhaps what will follow will be a journey.

[Re the template they provided for the blog layout: It is supposed to look like a private library; my comments lined on either side of the text box with a poorly rendered graphic of bookshelves; I will experiment with the "look" of this as time goes on. It rather makes me think of Borges' other-worldly library. Librarial labyrinths....Is it all a ficcion?...]

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